Sunday, May 8, 2011

Two Wilted Roses

My husband brought home flowers yesterday. In less than an hour, two roses were wilted. And it really pissed me off. The rest of the arrangement still flourished, but all I could see were those two wilted roses. What.a.brat, some of you may be thinking (remember, no judging).

To be fair, I was mad yesterday. Mad at the world. Today is Mother's Day and my family is missing a very important mom. So, I was angry.

But those two wilted roses represent something bigger upon reflection. I'm going heavy today so watch out. If you don't feel like being reflective, please stop reading and go do something way more fun, like drinking champagne (wait, I'm doing that too).

I spend so much time keeping everything just right, I freak out if anything goes wrong or isn't the picture of perfection. The flowers were beautiful, yet I couldn't appreciate them. All I could see were the imperfections. Translate that to child-raising and/or being in a relationship and we've got trouble. Who can live up to perfect expectations. Not me and when I fall short (which I often do), I am a mess. A punching bag. I'm the bag and the one punching. What's up with that? Oh am I a therapists dream right now.

I mean, who really cares about two wilted roses. Is the world going to end? Probably not...unless it's 2012 and then, maybe.

But seriously. It's so much nicer to view the world and see what is right first and notice (just notice) what's not so right with a softer eye. My house may never live up to my expectations. As in, it will never be just the way I want it. I have two kids, a husband and dog. And that group isn't always on the same page as far as keeping house goes. But isn't it more important that my kids laughed and played and lived, rather than moped (please, do you ever see Emerson moping?) and cleaned and cried.

I like things organized. I like things neat and orderly. It gives me a sense of control over my world. But I want my kids to grow up with a balanced sense of neat/orderly versus fun/games. And an understanding that we cannot always control our environment or others, but do have ownership over ourselves and what we put out into the world.

Two wilted roses. Really, that's a day breaker? Here's a game changer. Take them out and hang them upside down or put them inside a heavy book. Dried flowers are so beautiful. It's always nice to take something perceived as less than perfect and change the perspective. Something we are all capable of even on our worst days.

I love my life. My husband made me breakfast today. And bought me champagne and the most beautiful flowering vine. And a sweet card. And gave me two of the most perfect children a person could hope for. So take that two wilted roses. Who knew two little red roses could have such an impact on a person?

So here's to seeing what's really important and only 'just noticing' the rest.

Love to all the moms, grand mom's, and one day will be moms...J

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