Saturday, May 21, 2011


In a few hours, I'll be running my first road race in almost two years. It's a 5k benefiting Girls on the Run. They are all about running and healthy self-esteem. This is the perfect race to get on my running feet again. While I walk almost every day and fit in a Pilate's video a few times a week, running always makes me feel at peace. Maybe it's because I picked it up in my 20's when I really, really needed some peace. Or because I used it as a platform to fund raise for a cause close to my heart. Or simply because my running needs are small. A pair of running shoes, the clothes on my back and the outdoors (until I get my own treadmill and then indoors will do as well). I'm not very fast but that's okay. I have goals and they are attainable. And when I reach them, I'll make new ones.

Today's goal: run entire race in less than 35 minutes, enjoy the scenery and company of good friends.

Life is good. And I think signing up for a 5k once a month for awhile will be good for my soul. And when those get really easy, I'll jump to a 10k and so on. There is a community in running and I want to be a part of it again. It's welcoming, familiar, supportive and fun. I know running isn't for everybody, but it is for me.

So here's to running and whatever moves you. And to being happy. Peace.


1 comment:

  1. Mission Accpomplished girl - you rocked it!! 32:21 never looked so good!!
