Friday, February 11, 2011

Sleep benefits...

everyone in my household. Hey, sleep benefits everyone around the world. But for now, let's concentrate on a smaller scale, like right here, right now. My girls are still in bed. It's 8:00 am. They both slept soundly through the night. I think we're on night 2 or 3. This wasn't always so unusual, but kids go through stages, right? E went on a 2 month kick of sleeping great, then back pedaled a bit. B's paci took flight with the fairy and she back pedaled a bit. Now we are cruising again. This could end at any point, but I'll take what I can get. And right now, that's uninterrupted sleep. A thing of beauty and wonder and oh so good for my sanity.

I'm alert and ready for the day. And it's so nice. It's so nice to wake up happy and restful instead of cranky and tired. I know that may sound simple, who wouldn't want the former, and I know I have the power to wake up any way I want because I control my attitude...blah blah blah. But it's so much easier to "control my attitude" in a positive fashion when I've gotten at least 6 hours of sleep.

While I'd love to continue writing, I actually need to wake 3.5 yo up. She has a date at the Disney Ice Show this fine morning. And her ride will be here in less than an hour. Little lady needs to get up and get moving and pick out her favorite costume for the show. And then I get to snuggle my sweet baby E and clean and clean and clean. Yay for putting off chores...but that's another post all together.

Peace. J

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