Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I just need...

a break. Since my 3.5 yo gave up her naps, I've been in a kind of hell. Like stuck in one of the rings in Dante's Inferno. Not sure which one, let's say 5 for the hell of it (no pun intended). I tried setting the oven timer today, a modest hour. It didn't work. She asked every 30 seconds if the timer "dinged" yet and we graduated to yet another level of annoying. Sweet 5 mo old sleeping, well, like a baby.

So what do you do with a kid who just won't nap? BTW, this is the same kid who fell asleep between me picking her up from school and driving home (we're 2 miles away) yesterday. Bedtime's been bumped up some, but nothing significant. My day is usually broken up with play dates or errands, but we've been sick or timing's been off with friends, so that equals long days at 318 Riding Ridge Rd.

I've never had a job where I didn't get some kind of break. Being a mom really is 24/7. I guess I just didn't believe the hype or rather, you just don't know until you're knee deep. So here I am, blurry eyed (yes I had coffee, two cups if you must know), still in PJ's, unshowered (but you prob guessed that when I told you about the PJ's) and my husband will be home shortly. The good news is I re-organized my kitchen, swept and mopped the first floor (most of it), so I almost look like I had a productive day. At least it's obvious I wasn't sitting on my ass eating bon bons, or something of the like.

But what I would give to have a break during the day. Even a 30 min overlap in naps would be a little bit of heaven. To be able to write this blog without threatening my kid, or take an uninterrupted shower, or simply sit and read or watch a DVR'ed show from the night before. Ahhh, a mom can dream, right?

Looks like this "break" is o-v-e-r. I'm going to throw myself in the shower in the hopes that I look human before H gets home.

Peace. J

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