Monday, February 7, 2011

I'm Starving...

Just kidding. That's my daily scenario with my 3.5 yo. We battled over breakfast because she insisted on having a bowl of cereal and yogurt. Then changed her mind when she saw me eating oatmeal. Maybe it's because I'm sick of wasting food or maybe it's because of the incessant demands of someone who measures up to my hipbone. Regardless, I.almost.lost it. This resulted in a 45 min tantrum. And me in tears lamenting over the woes of having a 3.5 yo. BECAUSE NO ONE TELLS YOU THIS IS WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY WORSE THAN HAVING A 2 yo. Or at least, for me. 2 was a dream. A wonderful, sweet dream. 3.5 is a flippin' nightmare and I am ready to wake-up.

But back to food. I'm writing this as I look at her full bowl of 'bugs', the type of mac n cheese that she not only HAD to have, but cried in the parking lot of Whole Foods because she REALLY wanted to carry the box. You may be wondering why I didn't just give it to her and avoid the tears. Well friends, the tears started in Whole Foods when I didn't trust her to actually carry them out w/out losing them somewhere along the way. And then they continued when I wouldn't give them to her UNTIL she turned off the tears. I'm pretty sure the guy collecting carts felt sorry for me, or maybe he felt sorry for B. To be fair, he should pity both of us. So B got her bugs and I made them for lunch. And they are sitting on the table, uneaten, laughing in my face. They are like "you are a sucka". And I'm like, "I know, right"?

I'm a big believer in choices. And she is making some poor ones when it comes to food recently. And I am making some poor choices in how I handle her poor choices. Even now, as I write this I sound like, well, I sound like a jerk when I talk to her. I HAVE NO MORE PATIENCE. It's all gone and I need to replenish it. Any tips? Because I need some help, fast, like yesterday.

Well, she just ate two bites. Woo hoo. I'm sure starving children all over the world would be impressed. I can't wait to throw that line at her. Oh, the battles we endure to raise good kids. Or just raise them to be as independent as possible so they can get the hell out of our houses. Cheers!

Peace. J

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