Please give me the strength to get through the rest of the evening without completely losing my mind. I just don't think my 3.5 yo has ever gotten under my skin so completely, so undeniably bad, that I actually thought I might go screaming mad into the cold, windy night.
Okay - everything's better, kids are sleeping and I'm drinking a beer watching Dare Devil until Maryland game. Colin Farrell is a KA-RAZY SOB in this movie. But I digress.
I parented angry today. Not all day. But a fair amount. I don't recommend it. No one wins. And you def don't feel better. I raised my voice and she cried. I empty threatened, she called me on it. I pleaded for a personal time out and she more or less told me to go F myself. It.was.awesome. My personal high was when she was whining "Mom"...I don't even know how to write it. Imagine mom-uh-mooooommmm. Low,high,low. So very annoying. And then insert husband who dogs the shit out of my dinner because I bought the wrong cut of pork for the slow cooker. For the record, he still ate it. And recanted his low blow after I almost exploded in the kitchen. He could see the crazy coming he rolled out to the playroom and I 'excused' myself for a quick break upstairs.
Dinner was fine. B ate rice and a cheese stick. E jumped in the jumper. And then we used TV to entertain B until bedtime. Both girls went down without a fight, thank God because I had no fight left in me. And that brings us up to speed. Now hopefully MD won't let me down, I might have one more beer and then head up to bed.
Tomorrow is a new day. Tomorrow is a new day. Tomorrow is a new day.
Peace. J
You should have called me today. Around 12:20 if you are wondering...again around 3:20. Al made me a margarita....and another. And here I am, polishing it off....I'm in charge of the salt rims, and I'll get started on 3.