Friday, February 4, 2011


I had one for breakfast. Think that's a good way to start the day? How about combining that sugar with 3 cups a coffee? Hmmm. I see a sharp downfall in my future. Perfect. It's all about choices and I chose cookies today. And after the night I had (up all night with a puking kid, and another who just wanted to say hey), I felt I deserved a cookie. Somehow, I think my logic is flawed. I probably would be more 'deserving' after a really hard work-out (the kind where I burned a gazillion calories). Not necessarily after a sleepless night where nourishing my body/mind with actually food would be the smarter choice. I did have oatmeal. It was the high fiber variety, so that counts for something, right?

We make a ton of choices all day long. How many's 'a ton'...I don't know. Try counting guess it's in the hundreds. I don't have time to count, okay. I'm too busy reflecting on my bad decision to start my day with a cake cookie with frosting and sprinkles. Let's get back on track. Choices. We all have them. I'll save dissecting why we do what we do for another post. Just know that today, I started my day off with a pot of coffee and a cake cookie (and high fiber oatmeal). And that I'm comfortable (b/c I'm so high right now) with those choices. Check me in about an hour and I'm sure I'll be crashing, cursing myself for not eating a banana instead. Think I have a keen insight into addiction right now. I've gotta kick my sugar one and fast. Just one more thing to add to my ever growing 'to do' list.

Hope you make better choices today. Or at least wait to have that cookie until after a more appropriate meal, like lunch or dinner.

Peace. J

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