you don't really want your kid to act like, I don't know, a freaking kid? Today was one of those days. My allergies decided to up the ante and bring in a full blown sinus infection, like they needed back-up or something. Like they really wanted to make sure I still felt like ass as the rain washed some of their poison, I mean pollen, away. So my head wanted to explode from the moment I jumped out of bed. I literally jumped because B screamed when she realized her door was shut instead of slightly opened as per normal. She went back to sleep for a short bit and then was up and at 'em around 6:45. And daughter #2 joined in shortly thereafter. So there I was, outnumbered and utterly miserable.
And it rained and rained and rained. Normally it's perfect movie weather. But instead of making my life a little bit easier, I decided if I was miserable so would everyone around me (aren't you glad we didn't hang out this morning). So I didn't turn on the TV. So stupid. Because I didn't want to hang out either. I didn't want to play or entertain or read or participate in anything. I was basically a real peach.
Thankfully, we did have plans to meet my mom for lunch. We met at 10:30 and enjoyed an earlier meal instead. My mood improved despite B's attempts to trip me up with her impatience, demands and surly looks. We survived the day with two time-outs, two movies (Bambi and Despicable Me) and a delicious pizza from Squisito.
Their are no sick days. And kids are going to act their age. Sometimes I act their age too.
I'm finishing this post from my couch the next morning. So far, so good. It is only 7:45, but I have high hopes for today. Right now, the girls are playing in the pack-n-play and I'm going to make some coffee. Everyone's acting accordingly. E like the happy 8 month she is...B like the happy (until she doesn't get her way) almost 4 yo...and me, well right now I'm still acting like a responsible, happy adult. Here's to keeping it that way!
Peace. J
Love your posts! Hope you are feeling better and can't wait to see you tomorrow!