was one of my favorite songs in high school. It brings back memories of Chinese fire drills and parties and laughter (and keg stands, shots and just general drunkenness). My Friday nights used to be so wild. Not so much anymore. Now I work double duty since my H works a double at his 'other' job. At least we both get to drink at our respective establishments.
So when I head up to bed is usually about the time I use to head out. I don't miss hangovers. I don't miss the shots that induced the hangovers. Or other alcoholic beverages ingested in excess. But I do miss the dancing. A lot. I.love.to.dance. Like, for realsie. I'm not saying I missed my calling or anything. I don't belong in any music videos or backing up singers on tour BUT I still love to shake it. Dancing makes me happy. Like, really, really happy.
I try to have music on as much as possible when I'm home. And then get B to dance around our living room. I think I passed along my dancing genes because she also likes to move and groove. Wonder if E picked any up as well. Guess only time will tell.
My hope is that my dynamic duo doesn't find me too embarrassing later in life...because I plan to dance till the very end. To rap music at that. Word. For realsie.
So maybe I don't party like a rockstar anymore (let's not count the recent happy hour that turned into happy hours...), but I should plan more nights out dancing. I think it's safe to say I would be a better mom, a better wife if I had more dancing in my life (I think I just came up with a new song lyric...check out that sweet rhyme). Did I just have an Oprah "ah ha" moment? Think so.
So here's to the little things that make us happy...and to actually doing them. I'm planning a dance party sometime soon...O'Briens or Federal House...here we come. Or maybe I'll get crazy and roll to DC. Whaaattttt.
Peace. J
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